Moving Day
Welcome to Red Barn Equine, my little NightMare
Baby H has officially moved.
I’ve always somewhat struggled with the concept of boarding. Growing up, the first 8 years of my horse life was having our horses on our property, trailering to lessons and shows, and riding out to the trails. Since then, I haven’t really been a 100% ordinary boarder (while on my own, at least). When we moved Prince with us to Colorado, we did begin boarding, but I soon started leasing other horses to ride and Prince became more of my little sister’s horse at the time. From then on, my riding career was spent on lease and lesson horses, while my little curly pony hopped from barn to barn under my parents and sister’s care. Eventually I found Prince’s current wonderful lease situation, where he is also housed on property. And of course, upon gaining ownership of Harriet, I worked at and eventually ran the boarding business where we lived for a year.
Essentially, my last few months have been spent trying to sort out my own struggles of not managing Harriet’s care as closely as I had become accustomed to, while she herself was attempting to adjust to life off of stall rest. I finally came to the difficult conclusion that she was in need of a different kind of situation, one on a smaller scale where I could continue to be her emotional support through her anxieties, and where she could be allowed more freedoms. She is the most particular horse, as I have learned through the close relationship created through our struggles, and I began to recognize a need to find an environment for her where she could just learn how to be a horse again.
And so we begin our new adventure! Our new barn is lovely and we are joining a team of fantastic horse people. After taking a deep breath, I could already tell that Harriet is enjoying being so involved. She has the freedom to see everything that’s happening around the barn and the property, and I know that brings her comfort. Her turnout space is perfect for her, and I think this handsome little group of geldings will be good neighbors. I am so happy for her, and am excited for the work we will be starting together and with our new trainer.
We’re going places, just you wait and see.